We are pleased to announce that 6 of our club have enrolled on the new British Taekwondo qualification known as the Assistant Coach Award. As part of Dorset Taekwondo’s three year plan we aspire to develop and increase our team of top-quality Coaches. The Assistant Coach Award is the first step in this process, and the start of the Education Pathway.
The award is made up of three activities:
- 4-6 hours of online study and questionnaire.
- Review of best practice for teaching Sparring and Poomsae via Brilliant Basics online tutorials featuring top GB coaches and athletes.
- Assist in the delivery and review of 5 hours of pre-written session plans, including elements of the brilliant basics videos for candidates to deliver in the club, overseen by our level 2 Club Coaches.
Good luck to Ian, Asia, Jemma, Karla, Khemmisa and Angailika.
More details about the course can be found at