Coach Cassidy Referees at 2 Competitions in 1 weekend
Well done #DTA coach Cassidy refereeing two competitions at the weekend and picking up the best referee award. Well done Elsa too for judging at these competitions. DTA members have access to British Taekwondo qualifications to Judge and Referee both Sparring Patterns. Cassidy and Elsa have both passed the the level 3 judge qualification, and...

Important Dates / Calendar 2023
Dates for your Diary 2023DTA Gradings (Grange School – with NM TKD)Saturday 25th MarchSaturday 15th July TBC (Kup & Dan)Saturday 23rd Sept TBCSaturday 2nd Dec TBC (Kup & Dan) No Classes at Littledown. (Classes maybe rescheduled – TBC)Saturday 8th April (Easter)Saturday 29th AprilSaturday 10th JuneSaturday 23rd SeptemberSome of the Bank...

LMC Sparring Competition (Southampton) Dec 2022
On Sunday 4th December Dorset Taekwondo Assc took a team of 10 to the LMC Sparring Competition in Southampton. This was the first open sparring competition in the South for many years. There were approximately 400 fighters from all over the country. Our team (Harry, Vesco, Inara, Sean, Tom, Cassidy, Oli, Hamza, Atilla, Myles) consisted of young...

Coach Cassidy qualifies as Referee
Over the last year I had been able to complete my Class 3.0 (Corner Judging course) and additional modules which allowed me to judge and officiate for competitions up and down the country (including Nationals!!). With this experience, some support from new found friends and Master Naraine, I was then able to go for my Class 2.0 Centre Referee...

Annual Awards 2022 (Results) and Christmas Party
Brilliant Party this year with well over 100 people there. Unfortunately England lost the football during the party but it didn't dampen our enthusiasm. This years (2022) Awards were given out by Master Naraine as follows. Rising Stars of 2022 1. Lydia Dmochowska2. Inara Hooper3. Emily Carreira de Sousa4. Veselin Paskalevm (Vesco)5. Harry...

British Taekwondo Nationals (Poomsae) November 2022
During the weekend 12th & 13th November 2022 Dorset Taekwondo had 20 competitors who competed in the Poomsae Nationals in Worcester. Everyone performed extremely well, and all the coaches couldn’t commend everyone enough. As a team we scored an incredible 11 gold, 3 silver and 3 bronze medals. This is a remarkable feat especially considering we...

Portugal International Patterns Competition
Master Naraine, Jemma and Tom flew out to Portugal this month to take part in the Portugal International Open. It was an amazing experience for Dorset Taekwondo, where Jemma scored a Bronze medal in her team; she also kept her cool in the first time she competed in the under-30 category and scored higher than expected and beat several other Team...

Bluewave Poomsae Competition Results
Bluewave poomsae competition was a huge success and all the coaches are extremely proud of everyone who competed. It was the biggest team that Dorset Taekwondo has ever taken with around 20 people competing. Everyone who competed did their best and all the hard work and dedication has paid off as we got 6 Gold, 4 Silver and 5 Bronze medals making...

Summer 2022 Photo Competition RESULTS
We had 22 photos and videos uploaded and entered into our summer 2022 photo competition. All entries receive a DTA water bottle. The winner of the DTA Hoodie was Jasmine who sent in photos, and a spectacular video of her performing a Poomsae on top of a remote hill in the lake district. A selection of the photos are shown below. (Click on a photo...

September Lesson Changes
We have had to make a few changes to Septembers lesson schedule.Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions. Monday 19th September (Grange School) – NO CLASSES - Bank Holiday for Queens Funeral. Saturday 24th September (Littledown) – VENUE CHANGE - Main Hall not available No Kickstars class this weekCORE class will be...