New Coaches
Congratulations to Karla and Jemma who recently completed their British Taekwondo Assistant Coaching qualification!! Pictured here wearing their new DTA club coach t-shirts Several other DTA members are currently going through this qualification. (Click on a photo to enlarge)Venues Littledown Centre. BournemouthFerndown Leisure CentreGrange...

Summer 2022 August Break
Summer Break As usual there will be a 3 week break in classes at the end of August. The last class will be Saturday 13th August; the first class back will be Monday 5th September As there is a Poomsae competition 2 weeks after the break we might organise a couple of additional sessions during or after the break.

Summer (Beach) Social
Approx 50 people showed up for the Summer Social on Bournemouth Beach on Sunday 31st July.On a warm evening several people decided an unscheduled swim was a great idea!! There were some good waves making it more fun for young and old. After a few ball games, swim, snacks and the now customary annual 'catch the egg' game; Master Naraine got...
Movement / Tricking Special Class
On Saturday 25th June we will have a one-off special class from 12:15 - 1:30pm in Littledown Main Hall. (This session will replace the Poomsae and Kyorugi development pathway classes for this week only.) In this class we will be exploring how the movements that we practise in Taekwondo can be expanded by drawing from other disciplines, such as...
How to Join
Thank you for your / your childs interest in classes with Dorset Taekwondo Association (DTA) To join there are a few things to do. (In order of importance) 1. Get an annual membership of British Taekwondo (details below) this needs to be done asap – new students are insured on the club insurance for the first 2 classes; but after this you must...

DTA – Grading March 2022
Congratulations to the 56 candidate who successfully passed their Grading Test on 19th March 2022. It was a tough grading with a few different exercises to put you under pressure. Most candidates rose to the occasion. Six candidates got a B grade / Distinction. The next test is scheduled for 11th June at the Grange School. Below is a time-lapse...

Senior Belt Classes
As planned, we are going to do a Senior Belt Class at 7.30pm on the last Thursday of each month (at the Grange School, Christchurch).(This replaces the Poomsae Development Class on these specific dates only.) This class is for coaches and Black Belts only. The purpose of the sessions is to work together to ensure consistency in our teaching...

(Short) Easter Break
Whilst the Kickstars (under 8s classes) run school term time, the main classes run 47 weeks per year. We will be having a short break over the Easter with no classes from 14th – 18th April inclusive. The last class is on Monday 11th April; The first class back is on Thursday 21st April.

Sparring Matches & Training
Earlier this month five of our sparring team (Oli, Tom, Cass, Sam & Dylan) went to Calshot to take part in a southern area training and match event. This was an ideal training event as our team were able to have matches against players from other clubs under Olympic Full Contact rules, using electronic trunk and headguards. Our team did...

Assistant Coach Qualification
We are pleased to announce that 6 of our club have enrolled on the new British Taekwondo qualification known as the Assistant Coach Award. As part of Dorset Taekwondo’s three year plan we aspire to develop and increase our team of top-quality Coaches. The Assistant Coach Award is the first step in this process, and the start of the Education...